​Collaborative Professionals Northern Beaches
​Collaborative Professionals Northern Beaches
A successful dispute resolution method which is out of court and under your control

What about wills and estates?
Challenges to wills and disputed estates are increasingly common. Going down the court pathway at a time of loss can be an emotional roller coaster, result in lengthy delays to closure and involve serious expense. The adversarial court process involves the tabling of hurtful and damaging evidence that inevitably widens rifts in families and which may never be repaired.
The collaborative practice process enables lawyers to negotiate with both client and a case manager/coach to reach an outcome acceptable to both sides without the gruelling litigation process and without inflicting lasting damage. The coach facilitates the parties to engage in constructive communication to reach an outcome without causing fractures that spread through whole families.
But the major benefit to the client is that they themselves negotiate the solution to their dispute. They are the architects of their resolution and are guided through the process by their lawyers. The result of this is that the solution can be far more creative and tailor-made that any court imposed outcome.
Estate lawyers are beginning to recognise that there is a smarter more productive process of dispute resolution and that Collaborative Practice is that process.